C.EL.I. sas

Transporter TX2500 - The unstoppable transporter​


C.EL.I. sas


Valmozzola (PR) - Italia

machine model

TX2500 con cassone girevole​




Power lines construction

C.EL.I. SAS of surveyor Alzapiedi Bruno operates since 1965 in the field of construction, assembly, repair, maintenance, and operation of plants and equipment for the production and distribution of electricity, in particular in the construction and maintenance of the power lines on the Alps and Apennines’ arc. Currently they are working on the Gran Sasso.
This type of work requires very special vehicles because the terrain you have to deal with is very impervious, muddy, and often covered by metres of snow.

Mr. Alzapiedi comments: ‘I bought two TX2500 and I was completely satisfied with them; the places I cannot reach with this vehicle can only be reached by helicopters.’
In the creation of pylons and poles you need to deal with muddy or snowy terrain; a wheeled vehicle is not able to advance, unlike the tracked transporter, thus being a total safety compared to a wheeled vehicle. Often, after snowfalls, the clay soil becomes a real trap for a wheeled vehicle, while a tracked one, instead, as you can see from the photos, is in its natural habitat and can move even at full load.
‘In January 2017, after the heavy snowfalls in Abruzzo,’ explains Mr. Alzapiedi, ‘we found ourselves working on terrain covered by over a metre of snow, and only with the TX2500 we were able to complete the job. Also, the ease of use and possibility of unloading in any position is of great help.’

Today, Mr. Alzapiedi still defines the TX2500 as an indispensable vehicle for his activity.